Los Angeles is Saving Black Men's Lives on November 2nd,2024!

It’s Our Problem Too: AAMWA secures grant funding from the Scattergood Foundation’s Overdose Prevention and Community Healing Fund and the City of Philadelphia to fight the opioid crisis in North Philadelphia


Research and data indicate that opioid abuse is on the rise and disproportionately impacts Black populations across the country. Black men in particular have seen a dramatic increase in opioid overdose deaths in recent years. Between 2015 and 2017, the opioid overdose death rate for African Americans increased by 103%, surpassing that of white Americans by 2018.

So, that’s right: It’s our problem too.

We’re Bringing the Fight to Philly

The African American Male Wellness Agency (AAMWA) is one of 43 nonprofits to win grant funding from the Scattergood Foundation’s Overdose Prevention and Community Healing Fund and the City of Philadelphia to combat the opioid epidemic in North Philadelphia. Through the “It’s Our Problem Too” campaign, we will raise awareness about the disproportionate impact of opioid addiction on African American males and provide resources and support to combat this issue.

What is the “It’s Our Problem Too” campaign?

The “It’s Our Problem Too” campaign focuses on multiple aspects of wellness, including mental health, community support, and education on substance abuse prevention and treatment. By partnering with local health departments, community organizations, and healthcare providers, the campaign aims to create a comprehensive support system. This includes offering educational workshops, mental health resources, and connecting individuals with treatment programs. We are committed to reducing the impact of the opioid crisis on Black men and fostering a healthier, more informed community in Northern Philadelphia by:

  • Hosting Community Harm Reduction Fairs: We will organize community resource fairs in local neighborhoods and housing developments. Fair attendees will participate in community conversations, learn about naloxone distribution and education, and access critical resources.
  • Providing Community Narcan Trainings and Distribution: We will organize community Narcan trainings and distribution in barbershops, salons, churches, corner stores, local businesses, and plazas in the heart of high-risk communities in North Philadelphia.

  • Creating a Harm Reduction Resource Guide: We will develop a resource guide to highlight safe syringe disposal, naloxone distribution, fentanyl test strips, and treatment facilities. We will distribute these guides in barbershops, salons, churches, community organizations, and directly to residents.

  • Breaking the Stigma: We will break the stigma through a special campaign by sharing prevention education, resources, and testimonials both online and throughout the community.

This campaign will help North Philadelphia community members understand the challenges faced by individuals with substance use disorders. 

Want to Get Involved?

You can make a difference in the health and safety of your community. Here’s how:

  • Bring “It’s Our Problem Too” to your city: Arm your community against the fight against the opioid epidemic. Contact Dana Lavender, Program Director, at dlavender@ncusolutions.com to get started.

  • Take the Opioid Awareness Community pledge: Affirm your commitment to raising awareness for substance abuse within the black community. Take the pledge.

  • Sign up for texts from AAMWA: Stay in the loop on AAMWA volunteer opportunities, events, news, and more! Register now.